Antioxidant Açaí Smoothie Recipe

Lindsey Bro
2 min read Recipes
Antioxidant Açaí Smoothie Recipe

We’ve all heard about them, talked about them, and without a doubt have eaten them, but what are antioxidants, exactly?

Found in many foods including dark berries like Açaí, antioxidants are compounds that prevent oxidation. Now, when it comes to foods, your body, and why they’re good for you, what does that mean? Since your cells are alive, the basic way they work is they bring in nutrients, do their thing, and then remove waste from the cell. Some of this waste can cause free radical reactions.  Antioxidants are helpful in reducing and preventing damage by neutralizing these reactions. 

Free radicals can form as a result of your environment. This means if you’re exposed to things like air pollution, cigarette smoke, alcohol, toxins, etc. your body will create more free radicals. Fortunately, your body also does a great job of turning vitamins like  C, E and A  into antioxidants to help keep things in check.

We packed this smoothie with antioxidant rich foods and those thought to have anti-inflammatory properties like sweet potato, beet, turmeric and Açaí. Feel free to add some of your favorites to make it your own and let us know what you think!

Antioxidant Açaí Smoothie

Prep Time: 5 Minutes | Cook Time: 5 Minutes | Ready In: 10 Minutes | Yield: 1 Smoothie


1 Sambazon Original Superfruit Pack

1 c Beet Juice

½ c cooked Purple Sweet Potato

½ tsp ground Turmeric

Fresh Tarragon, Basil OR a little bit of fresh Ginger

Hemp Hearts (for extra protein)

Ice to thicken


1. In a blender, combine all ingredients but your Sambazon Superfruit Pack.

2. Take your pack, run it under water to loosen packaging and then cut in half and break into your blender. 

3. Cover and, starting on low, begin to blend.

4. Slowly increase the speed as everything begins to come together. Blend for at least 30 – 45 seconds.

5. Pour into a cup and enjoy!

Let us know what you think or if you have any tips and tricks for this Antioxidant Açaí Smoothie!