Empowering the São João Batista Community: SAMBAZON's Latest Fair Trade Project

In the heart of Brazil's Amazon rainforest lies a community whose resilience and dedication to sustainability caught SAMBAZON’s attention. Nestled in the municipality of Muaná, Pará, the São João Batista community been selected as the recipient of SAMBAZON's latest Fair for Life (FFL) project. Our commitment to fair trade practices,...

SAMBAZON's Earth Day Achievements: Pioneering Sustainability through Partnership

SAMBAZON is taking the time to reflect on our journey in sustainability progress as Earth Day approaches. Over the past year, we've achieved significant milestones in collaboration with valued partners, reaffirming our commitment to environmental stewardship. Let's explore three key initiatives that showcase SAMBAZON's dedication to our triple bottom-line business. 

5 Interesting Facts about SAMBAZON Açaí Harvesters in Brazil

In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where lush greenery and vibrant biodiversity come together, there is much to learn about a different way of life. Meet the SAMBAZON Açaí harvesters, individuals whose lives are intricately woven into the fabric of our triple bottom line business. These dedicated individuals play...

A Glimpse into 6 Ways the Açaí Tree is Used in the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest, often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," is a treasure trove of biodiversity and natural resources. Among its many gifts, the Açaí tree stands out as a keystone species for the communities that call the Amazon Rainforest their home.   In this blog, we will explore...

Meet our Field Technicians: Uniting Passion & Purpose in Sustainability

Discover the untold stories of dedicated field technicians who stand as environmental stewards in an evolving sustainability job market. From helping to maintain our Certified Fair Trade and Organic Açaí status to nurturing relationships with harvesters in the rainforest, their journey is a testament to passion and purpose. Join us...

Conversations for Change: Learning about Eco Enterprises Fund & their Art Exhibition featuring SAMBAZON

Get ready to be inspired, educated, and invigorated by the stories of innovation and purpose that define the EcoEnterprises Fund III and their Art Exhibition with FinDev. 

Açaí: Pulp to Pit Protects People and Planet with Asher Jay

In February of 2020, right before the Pandemic wreaked havoc upon our world, I set out from New York City to the heart of the Amazon Rainforest. Naturally, Siri failed at directions deplorably. Three flights, a car ride to the dock, followed by a seven hour bumpy boat ride up...

Our Friends, the Animals of the Amazon

As a company that was born in and sources from the Amazon Rainforest, our minds are often concerned for the well-being of its inhabitants. As the most biologically diverse place on Earth, it's home to millions of species, many of which are under threat due to deforestation and climate change. Curious to...

Biodiversity Study attests to SAMBAZON’s Positive Impact in the Amazon Rainforest with Fair Trade Certified Açaí

We are proud to announce that a Biodiversity Study, spearheaded by Dr. Gabriel Damasco, Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and his team of US and Brazilian researchers, has been accepted and published in the Journal of Agroforestry Systems at the beginning of 2022. The title of this research article is: "Certification of...

SAMBAZON Donates $1 Million in Support of the Brazilian Amazon

“We are honored to have reached the $1 million milestone and will continue our commitment to making a difference for açai growers and improving their communities,” said Jeremy Black, SAMBAZON’s co-founder. “From supporting education, healthcare, and community projects, our investments are making a difference in the lives of thousands of...

Palm to Palm: Our Commitment to Fair Trade Açaí

We believe in transparency. And we understand how important it is to know the food you and your family consume is ethically sourced, transported, and processed. By creating our own supply chain, we can oversee every step of its journey, from the moment our fair trade food is hand-harvested and...

Fair Trade Certification–The “Social Success Metric” of the Triple Bottom Line By Ryan Black

21 years ago, I had my first açai bowl on a trip to the northeast of Brazil with friends. The experience was exciting and memorable. A new fruit, a new flavor, a “smoothie in a bowl” eaten with a spoon with multiple textures and tastes, it captivated my attention and...