SAMBAZON's Earth Day Achievements: Pioneering Sustainability through Partnership
SAMBAZON is taking the time to reflect on our journey in sustainability progress as Earth Day approaches. Over the past year, we've achieved significant milestones in collaboration with valued partners, reaffirming our commitment to environmental stewardship. Let's explore three key initiatives that showcase SAMBAZON's dedication to our triple bottom-line business.
Eco-Friendly Family Fun: SAMBAZON's Guide to Greener Living
In today's climate, it's more important than ever to adopt eco-friendly habits that reduce our environmental impact. Here are five simple yet impactful tips to help you live more sustainably on a daily basis and make a positive difference for the planet.
5 Interesting Facts about SAMBAZON Açaí Harvesters in Brazil
In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where lush greenery and vibrant biodiversity come together, there is much to learn about a different way of life. Meet the SAMBAZON Açaí harvesters, individuals whose lives are intricately woven into the fabric of our triple bottom line business. These dedicated individuals play...
Safety Week at SAMBAZON: Ensuring a Secure Work Environment
At SAMBAZON, we take pride in our commitment to maintain high standards of quality, safety, and accident prevention in our factories. In this blog, we will hear directly from our employees about their experiences at this year’s Safety Week and how this experience contributes to our goal of modern, safe...
SAMBAZON’s Footprint: Measuring our GHG Emissions
We are committed to doing our part to monitor our carbon footprint and to ensure that we are contributing to a sustainable future. We will continue to explore new and innovative ways to reduce our emissions and to make our business practices more eco-friendly. We recognize that the health of...
5 Ways to Be More Earth Friendly
It’s time to make Earth Day every day in your life if you haven’t already! We are providing you with five ways you can easily choose to be more earth friendly in your daily routine. Make sustainable changes to lessen the negative effect that your daily activities create, and you’ll...
Our Sustainability Update: The Path towards Zero Waste
At SAMBAZON, we do our best to reduce waste by following good inventory management practices. Not only is it good for business, it’s the right thing to do for our planet. We consider each piece of the business in the aim of creating a more circular economy when it comes...
How to Upcycle your Sambazon Ready-to-Eat Bowls
Get the best of both worlds when you enjoy Ready to Eat Bowls from SAMBAZON with both a delicious, fueling meal and a fun way to kick off your home garden. Did you know the SAMBAZON Ready-to-Eat Bowls container is planet-friendly? Read on for Manuela of @thegirlgonegreen’s tips on how to use SAMBAZON’s Ready to...
25 Ways to Reduce Food Waste
In a society where millions of individuals go hungry each day, finding ways to reduce food waste is critical. Follow these simple guidelines to help stop this destructive practice.
How We Reduce Our Packaging Footprint: A Progress Update on our Eco-mmitment
We have some exciting updates on our Packaging Eco-mmitment. In our last impact report, SAMBAZON committed to achieving plant-based and post-consumer recycled packaging for all USA retail products by 2025. While focusing on USA retail products was a great place to start our packaging Eco-mmitment, we are a global company and...
One Step Closer To Zero Waste: Join the Campaign
Did you know that at least 8 million tons of plastic ends up in our oceans every year (International Union for Conservation of Nature)? Or that 90 percent of sea birds have eaten plastic (Study by researchers from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization)? Everyday, businesses have the opportunity...
Seeding Change: The Power of Conscious Commerce
Never have the stakes been higher, whether it’s climate change, soil degradation, or plastic pollution. Triple bottom line companies provide an immediate opportunity for consumers, like you, to be a part of the solution.